Export all folder
25 Mar 2013, 11:20
by Max
When a workflow builds up a folder structure full of output, is there a way to export that as a tarball? It would be time consuming to do it individually.
Re: Export all folder
25 Mar 2013, 12:23
by Tagir Valeev
You can right-click on the folder, then press "Export". You will got the zip-file.
Re: Export all folder
25 Mar 2013, 19:33
by Maxim Mikheev
But It doesn't. The system asking to choose file type for folder. If I choose TXT, I got zip which contain only txt files from folder and missed all gff. If I choose gff then all txt are missing
Re: Export all folder
25 Mar 2013, 21:33
by Tagir Valeev
Yes, that's the way it works, because you may have several exporters for the same format. For example, if you have the folder of tracks, what would you like to get? Zip with BED files, zip with GFF files, zip with VCF files? You have to specify. If you want every item in the tree to be exported in some default format, you may post a feature request into Bugzilla. But it's unlikely that GFF will be default format for export. We may also try to implement another solution: create multi-select drop-down box, so user can select several exporters and all of them will be tried. This way you may select TXT and GFF, but not BED and will have ZIP with both TXT and GFF files.